

Main Research Projects

2019-2022, Director of the Research Project "Philosophy, Art(theory) and Literature (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology - IPS-BAS / former ISSK-BAS)

2012-2016, Director of the Research Project "Human Rights, Women's Rights, and Values: Actual Philosophical Aspects" (Institute for the Study of the Societies and Knowledge - ISSK-BAS)

2008-2011, Director of the Research Project "Multicultural Diversity, Values and Intercultural Dialogue in European Context: Problems, Tendencies and Debates" (IPR/ISSK & IAF)

2007-2009, Director of the Research Project "Translation and Europeanization: Between Integration and Domination" (IAF, supported by the Scientific and Cultural Fund of the City of Vienna)  

2005-2009, Director of the Research Project "Axiology in European Context" (IAF, supported by the Scientific and Cultural Fund of the City of Vienna) 

2004-2007, Director of the Research Project "Recognition, Integration and Responsibility: Actual Problems of Contemporary European Philosophy (Phenomenology - Feminist Philosophy - After-Postmodernism)" (IPR & IAF)  

2003-2004, Director of the Research Project "Application of Contemporary Hermeneutics as a Heuristic Approach in Philosophical Research and Education", granted by the Open Society Foundation, Sofia 

2002-2003, Director of the Research Project "Introduction of new Phenomenological and Hermeneutic Methods in Philosophical Research and Education", granted by the Open Society Foundation, Sofia  

2000-2004, Director of the Project "Phenomenological approaches to Values and Valuing" (IAF, Wien & BPC, IPR-BAS )

2000-2001, Sub-Project Gender Studies in Eastern Europe: Focal Point Philosophy (Wissenschaftskolleg - Vienna University)

1999-2008, Coordinator and Participant of the Project "Simone de Beauvoir's Philosophy as a new Perspectives in Philosophy, Feminism, and Value Theory" /IAF, supported by the Scientific and Cultural Fund of the City of Vienna and the Austrian Ministry of Sciences, Research, and Economy) 

2003-2005, Director of the Research Project "Jean-Paul Sartre, Critical Thinker of Modern Times" (Institut für Axiologische Forschungen - IAF, in coop. with Vienna University, supported by the Scientific and Cultural Fund of the City of Vienna and the Austrian Ministry of Sciences, Research, and Economy)

1999–2001, Director of the Research Project "Modernism, Anti-modernism, and beyond" (BPC, IPR-BAS)

1998-1999, Individual Research Project "Franz Brentano and the Austrian Context of Phenomenology" (Philosophy Section of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)

1995-1998, Director of the Research Project "Phenomenology and Post–Phenomenology in the Context of Contemporary Western Philosophy" (Bulgarian Phenomenology Center - BPC, IPR-BAS)

1992-1995, Director of the Research Project "Postmodernism and the Bulgarian way towards Europe" (IPR-BAS)

1989-1992, Individual Research Project "Phenomenological Approaches to Human Being" (IPR-BAS)

1987-1989, Individual Research Project "Personalism and French Philosophy of 20th Century" (Institute for Philosophical Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, IPR-BAS)

1986-1987, Participant in the National Research Project "Language Education by mean of new technologies" (Dept. of Foreign Languages, Sofia University)