Book Reviews, Reports, Bibliographies


28. "Cenna kniga za genezisa i razvitieto na filosofskata antropologiia" (A valuable book about the development of philosophical anthropology"), Bulgarski filosofski pregled, 2016/6, pp. 183-186.

27. "Edin sled-postmoderen prochit na subekta i otgovornostta" (An 'After-postmodern' Reading of the Subject and Responsibility), Filosofski Alternativi, 2011/3, pp. 136-138.

26. "Paul Ricoeur Primary Bibliography: Books in French and English," in Yvanka B. Raynova, Between the Said and the Unsaid. In Conversation with Paul Ricoeur, vol. 1. Frankfurt am Main, a.o.: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 153-159.

25. "Paul Ricoeur: A chronology with biographical sources," in Yvanka B. Raynova, Between the Said and the Unsaid. In Conversation with Paul Ricoeur, vol. 1. Frankfurt am Main, a.o.: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 147-152.

24. "Leo Gabriel: Eine ausgewählte Bibliographie". In:  Y. Raynova, S. Moser (Hg.), Das integrale und das gebrochene Ganze, Frankfurt, New York, Oxford u.a.: Peter Lang, 2005, pp. 321-329.  

23. "Simone de Beauvoir: Eine ausgewählte Bibliographie mit Internethinweisen". In: Y. Raynova, S. Moser (Hg.), Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre nach dem Anderen Geschlecht, 2. Auflage, Frankfurt, New York, Oxford u.a.: Peter Lang, 2004, pp. 241-252.

22. "Susanne Moser, Freiheit und Anerkennung bei Simone de Beauvoir", in: L'Homme, 14 Jg., 2003/1, pp. 207–210.

21. Luzia Sutter Rehmann: GEH-FRAGE, die Gebärerin. Feministisch-befreiungstheologische Untersuchungen zum Gebärmotiv in der Apokalyptik. Labyrinth, vol. 2, Winter 2000.

20. 18. "Das andere Geschlecht: eine Neulektüre in drei Zeiten: 1949-1971-1999. (Das Kolloquium der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Ottawa, 14-15 Oktober 1999)", In: Y. Raynova, S. Moser (Hrsg.), Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre Das andere Geschlecht. IAF, Wien, 1999, pp. 227-230. 

19. "50 Jahre Das andere Geschlecht. Die internationale Konferenz in Paris (19-23.01.1999)". In: Y. Raynova, S. Moser (Hrsg.), Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre Das andere Geschlecht. IAF, Wien, 1999, pp. 223-226.

18. A Parliament of Minds. Philosophy for A New Millenium, Labyrinth, vol. 1, Winter 1999.

17. "Books and Internet Resources on Simone de Beauvoir", Labyrinth, vol. 1, Winter 1999.

16.  "Cinquantenaire du Deuxième sexe", (co-author S.Moser), Journal Phänomenologie, 1999, pp. 43-46.

15.  "Lektsiite ot Ginetseuma i Paydeya" (Lessons from the Ginaeceum and Paideia), Filosofski alternativi, 1998/3, pp. 123-128.

14.  "Neshtastieto da si svoboden" (The Unhappyness to be free), Kontinent, December 23, 1995.

13. "Etikata kato kultura na sartseto" (Ethics as Culture of the Heart), Filosofski alternativi, 1996/1, pp. 135-137.

12. "The All-Explaining Word. Presentation of the XXV  Congress of the Association of the Societies of Fancophone Philosophy", Filosofski alternativi, 1995/1, pp. 3-7.

11. "Prirodata. Pogled kam XXV kongres na ADFF" (Nature. An Overview of the XXV Congress of the Association of the Societies of Fancophone Philosophy), Anthropos, 1994/3-4, pp. 51-58.

10. "Chovechestvoto v povraten moment (Refleksii varhu XIX Svetoven kongres po filosofiya)" (Mankind at a Turning Point. Reflections on the XIX  World Congress of Philosophy), Filosofski alternativi, 1993/5, pp. 25-30.

9. "Ambivalentnostta na zhivota i smartta. Hermenevtichnite perspekivi na XXIV kongres na Asotsiatsiyata na druzhestvata na frenskoezichnite filosofi" (The Ambivalence of Life and Death. The Hermeneutic Perspectives of the XXIV Congress of the Association of the Societies of Fancophone Philosophy), Anthropos, 1992/3-4, pp. 34-36.

8. "Svrahsetivno posnanie?" (Suprarational knowledge?), Filosofski alternativi, 1992/5-6, pp. 147-149.

7. "'Istoricheskiyat' kongres: kontseptsii i realnost" (The 'historical' Congress: Conceptions and Reality), Filosofska misal, 1991/1, pp. 93-98.

6. "V svetlinite na triumfalnata arka: XXII kongres na Asotsiatsiyata na druzhestvata na frenski govoreshtite filosofi" (In the Lights of the Arc de Triomphe: The XXII Congress of the Association of the Societies of Fancophone Philosophy), Filosofska misal, 1989/2, pp. 112-114 . 

5. "XVIII Svetoven kongres po filosofiya - mnogoplanovost i problemnost" (The XVIII World Congress of Philosophy - multiple faces and multiple problems), co-author A. Stefanov, Filosofska  misal, 1988/12, pp. 27-34.

4. "Tsvetyata ne umirat. Satar Genaoui in memoriam" (Flowers do not die. Satar Genaoui in memoriam), Filosofska misal, 1988/5, p. 73-74.

3. "Vtora Balgaro-kanadska sreshta" (Second Canado-Bulgarian Meeting), Filosofska misal, 1988/43, pp. 126-129.

2. "Filosofite i kulturata" (Philosophers and Culture), Problemi na Kulturata, 1987/6, pp. 104-109.  

1. "XXI kongres na Asotsiatsiyata na druzhestvata na frenski govoreshtite filosofi" (The XXI Congress of the Association of the Societies of Fancophone Philosophy), Filosofska misal, 1987/3, pp. 100-101.